As a part of the Spooktacular Giveaway Hop, I'm holding a giveaway for your choice of one of three books.
Eden Derrington's father travels far and wide looking for a cure for leprosy as the disease gets worse on the islands. Her family is dividing down political lines as the king of Hawaii is ill and may die soon. But when Eden receives a mysterious note implying that her mother's accident was really a hushed-up murder, Eden begins to question everything she thought she knew.
Dr. Lukas Bower vowed to put his patient's health first. By refusing to betray this solemn oath in the face of hospital politics, life has become very difficult for the young interm director of Knolls Community Hospital emergency room. The small-town serenity of Knolls is suddenly broken by a spate of suspicious fires, and the new influx of patients strains the resources of the already overworked emergency room. With the increased responsibilities, Lukas finds himself working more and more with Dr. Mercy Richmand.
Jax and Isaiah, teen boys from the world’s top science academy, are creating a time machine for their science fair project. When the boys attempt to go back to 70,000,000 BC to see dinosaurs, the time machine fails though they're sure it should have worked. Then they try going back 4,500 years so they can witness the pyramids being built. Yet they come face-to-face with dinosaurs after all! Did the machine glitch and send them back to 70,000,000 BC? No time to test it out--Isaiah needs saving from an angry dinosaur, and Jax will need the help of their friends, two girls named JT and Mickey, and their hover-board project if he's going to save him.
This contest is for USA & Canada residents only.
To enter the giveaway:
1) you can twitter me saying "Hi @genrereviewer. Enter me in the giveaway for [give the book name and author's name]."
2) You can leave a comment to this post asking to be entered and naming which book you'd like to win. Please also leave some way for me to contact you--or follow this blog so you can see the winner announcement. I'd be fun if you also included why you're interested in reading this novel.
This giveaway ends on October 31, 2011 at midnight. The winner will be randomly selected. I'll announce the winner on Nov. 1, 2011 on this blog.
If you entered using twitter, I'll send you a @ or DM telling you of your win and asking where to send the book. If you entered using the blog comments, you'll need to leave your e-mail address or check back to see if you won so you can e-mail me your mailing address. If the winner hasn't responded with a mailing address within four days, I reserve the right to pick a new winner.
I hope everyone has fun with this!
The blogs participating in the Spooktacular Giveaway Hop:
This sounds like a good book - enter me
amhengst at verizon dot net
Please enter me, I would love to read this.
please enter me in the giveaway. i follow via gfc as sweetpea0861
Please enter me. I have two pre-teen boys that would love to read The Time Machine.
(angelacisco79) atyahoodotcom
I'm a follower. Please enter me in the contest for Solemn Oath. I'm a suspense writer and reader, and this sounds intriguing.
I love medical mysteries and Solemn Oath sounds like a great read.
For Whom the Stars Shine also sound great.
Thanks for the chance to win great books.
cenya2 at hotmail dot com
I would like to be entered! :) Thanks for the giveaway. Solemn Oath sounds good!
I'd be interested in Solemn Oath. Thanks! Gloria
geschumann at live dot com
I'd love to win the time machine deanna_boocock@hotmail.com
I'd like Solemn Oath.
Best wishes and thanks for a chance to win this Spooktacular Giveaway!
Please enter me for "For Whom the Stars Shine" Thanks!
mamabunny13 at gmail dot com
Thank you for the great giveaway! I would love to win "For Whom the Stars Shine" edysicecreamlover18@gmailDOTcom
For Whom The Stars Shine sounds really good! Thank you for the giveaway and I'm a follower.
Thank you for participating in the hop and for the giveaway opportunity.
If I were to win, I would like 'For Whom the Stars Shine'. I love historical fiction and mysteries. This one sounds like it combines both.
Please enter in me giveaway.
I'm a GFC follower - Cindy Macbeth
I'd like to win "Solemn Oath". Love a good suspenseful book.
cindymacbeth at gmail dot com
I would love to win a copy of Solemn Oath. Thanks for the chance.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I like the The Time Machine. Thank you
I'd like to win Solemn Oath.
cwilliams127 at gmail dot com
thanks for the spooky fun hop giveaway.
Would like the For Whom the Stars Shine by Linda Chaikin, sounds like
a good read. Just love Hawaii.
Please enter myself.
follow your blog by gfc dayleb-vinci
dayle b at telus dot net
I would like to win For Whom the Start Shine mostly because I used to live in Hawaii. Thanks!
lhoffpauir at gmail
awesome give away ty for the chance
id love to win Solemn Oath by Hannah Alexander sounds like a great read so ty
I'd love to be entered to win Solemn Oath.
Thanks for the giveaway!
darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com
GFC Darlene
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