As a part of the Summer Giveaway Hop, you can enter to win one of the two novels below. This contest is for USA & Canada residents only.
Washington D.C. is gripped with fear at the hands of a deadly serial bomber. Churches are being bombed during their Sunday morning services, and lives have been lost. Former FBI agent Dinah Harris is asked by her old FBI partner to act as a consultant on the case.
Read my review to learn more about this Christian suspense novel.
Madison Van Buren is stressed over Ivy League pressure, her parents' marital problems, and her boyfriend's neglect. Meanwhile, eighteen-year-old Anna Fisher wants to escape her so-called simple life--caring for younger siblings, sewing, cooking, and gardening. Her future will simply be more of the same with a man she doesn't love. Madison and Anna meet in a small town, realize they look uncannily similar, and switch places when they decide the grass is definitely greener on the other side.
To enter the giveaway:
1) you can twitter me saying "Hi @genrereviewer. Enter me in the giveaway for [title of the book you wish to win]."
2) You can leave a comment to this post asking to be entered and naming which book you'd like to win. Please also leave some way for me to contact you--or follow this blog so you can see the winner announcement.
This giveaway ends August 7th at midnight. The winner will be randomly selected. I'll announce the winner on August 8th on this blog.
If you entered using twitter, I'll send you a @ or DM telling you of your win and asking where to send the book. If you entered using the blog comments, you'll need to leave your e-mail address so I can contact you or check back to see if you won so you can e-mail me your mailing address. If the winner hasn't responded with a mailing address within seven days, I reserve the right to pick a new winner.
I hope everyone has fun with this!
The blogs participating in the Summer Giveaway Hop:
I'd love to be entered to win either one of these great sounding books!
old follower on gfc
mlawson17 at hotmail dot com
I'd like to be entered for Double Take. Thanks so much!
GFC follower - Brooke
Please enter me for Pieces of Light.
Thank you!
mittens0831 at aol dot com
Oh how to choose! i'd like either or both of these books. Thanks for the chance. mitzi_wanham[at]yahoo[dot]com
I would love to win "Double Take". Thank you for this giveaway.
I would love to be entered for Double Take. Thank you for the giveaway!! :)
bluerosesheart at yahoo dot com
I would love to win Pieces of Light. Thanks for the giveaway.
I'd love to be entered for "Double Take." Thanks!
This is great...sounds like a good read...Pieces of light sounds great
gfc follower
vidishamun at gmail dot com
I would love to read Double Take, it sounds like a great and interesting read.
Thanks for the chance to win this book. I follow by google reader.
cenya2 at hotmail dot com
I would like to read "Pieces of Light". Thank you for the giveaway.
Thanks for the giveaway. I would like to win Pieces of Light.
Great giveaway! I'd like to be entered for Pieces of Light by Julie Cave.
ruby95660 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Please enter me in the draw to win Pieces of Light.
I'm following you on GFC (Darlene), and my email address is darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Please enter me in the giveaway for Double Take!
thanks so much for hosting this giveaway! it was a hard choice as both books look good!
i'm following you on GFC and on twitter
star4ever16 at gmail dot com
Thanks for the chance to win. I would be interested in Pieces of Light.
I follow through GFC
Would like to have 'pieces of light'
I would like to be entered to win both books. Thanks.
Thanks for the giveaway. I would love to be enter for Pieces of Light.
sstrode at scrtc dot com
Pieces of Light sounds really interesting.
Thanks for participating.
Thanks for the opportunity. I would love to win Double Take by Melody Carlson.
-Carly Waid
Love to win Pieces of Light. thanks
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
I'd like to enter for Pieces of Light please
Follow by GFC deedeebamagirl
I would like Double Take. Thank you for the chance to win!
deedeebamagirl at yahoo dot com
I would love to win Pieces of Light! Please enter me in the contest!
GFC: Marci
marciclark88 at gmail dot com
I would like both books! But will settle for Pieces of Light. :)
ceis8009 at yahoo dot com
I'd like any of them but I'd prefer Pieces of Light
girl23rocks at hotmail dot com
Thank you and God Bless
I would love Double Take! I love Melody Carlson!
either book looks good! edysicecreamlover18@gmailDOTcom GFC Krystal Larson
Best wishes and thanks for a chance to win this fantabulous giveaway!
Doulble Take sound like the perfect summer read!
I think Double Take looks fun! Thanks!
I would love to win Double Take. Thank you!
miryfaye at yahoo.com
I 'd like either one of these books. Cheryl cjabdelnour@hotmail.com
Thanks so much for the giveaway :)
Please enter me for DOUBLE TAKE. I wonder if there is someone out there that looks like me. Would I want to trade lives with her and vice versa?
New GFC follower. I'd take either book! Thanks!
widsfam7 @ digis dot net
Thanks for the chance to be included for your giveaway.
I would prefer Pieces of Light by Julie Cave
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
Please enter me for Pieces of Light! Thamks
Lmbrunken AT gmail DOT com
I would like to be entered for Double Take.
Thank you for the giveaway!
I'm interested in Pieces of Light by Julie Cave.
gfc - jbronderblogs
twitter - Jessica Bronder
jbronderblogs at aol dot com
Please enter me in the giveaway for Double Take by Melody Carlson.a new GFC follower.thanks for the chance. augustlily06(at)aim(dot)com.
I'd love a chance at double take. Thanks.
unforgetable_dreamer_always (at) hotmail (dot) com
Double Take
Thanks! Gloria Schumann
geschumann at live dot com
i would like to read pieces, thanks for the giveaway.
Please enter me. Both books look great!
Please enter me for Pieces of Light. it sounds super awesome! I'm a GFC follower too (Debbie W.) Thanks for having this giveaway!
Thanks for the giveaway and for participating in this blog hop! Count me in for "Double Take". I already follow via GFC (Bornajhawk).
I'd like to win Pieces of Light please!
Amy // amyismyfriend at aol dot com
Thank you for the giveaway!!
I'd love either book!
GFC Shannon Johnson
either one wouldbe awesome if i have to chose peices of light
I'd love to win Double Take, thanks!
kpuleski at gmail dot com
I'd love to win Double take
Double Take by Melody Carlson please!
I couldn't figure out how to follow you on Twitter!
If you want to email me how to I will follow you! Or, follow me @laurieisreading and send a message and I will follow back!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Laurie Carlson
laurieisreading at gmail dot com
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