Sunday, January 26, 2014

Hickory Dickory Death by Agatha Christie

book cover
Hickory Dickory Death
by Agatha Christie

ISBN-13: 9780671702632
Mass Market Paperback:
222 pages
Publisher: Pocket Books
First Released: 1955

Source: Borrowed from my local library.

Book Description from Goodreads:
An outbreak of kleptomania at a student hostel was not normally the sort of crime that aroused Hercule Poirot's interest. But the list of stolen items - including a slashed rucksack and a diamond ring - made no sense. And why was everyone so afraid?

My Review:
Hickory Dickory Death is a historical mystery set in 1955 England. (Of course, it was a contemporary novel back when it was written.)

The characters were interesting, varied, and acted realistically. The mystery was a clue-based puzzle mystery. It was interesting because there were several levels of mystery to uncover. I could identify a lot of whodunit, why, and how before or at about the same time as Poirot did, and yet there were still aspects that surprised me. The suspense was mainly from wondering whodunit.

There was no sex. There was some explicit bad language. Overall, I'd recommend this interesting mystery.

If you've read this book, what do you think about it? I'd be honored if you wrote your own opinion of the book in the comments.

Excerpt: Read an excerpt using Google Preview.

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