Wednesday, January 23, 2019

The Gem Thief by Sian Ann Bessey

book cover
The Gem Thief
by Sian Ann Bessey

ISBN-13: 9781524407735
Paperback: 267 pages
Publisher: Covenant Communications
Released: Nov. 1, 2018

Source: ebook review copy from the publisher through NetGalley.

Book Description, Modified from Goodreads:
Gracie Miller is a small-town girl who has landed her dream job in New York City. As jewelry designer for one of the most prestigious jewelers in the world, she completed a particularly stunning piece, a custom setting for a large pink diamond. But when her billionaire client Mrs. Katsaros comes to repair a minor issue with the setting, Gracie is horrified to realize it is not the ring she created. Someone has forged her design, and the priceless diamond is gone.

Mrs. Katsaros has no desire to bring media attention to the jewelry heist, so she recruits her nephew, Quinn, and his FBI agent friend, Steve, to do some sleuthing off the record. When they discover that the missing ring is just one of many forgeries in the widow's collection, they look to Gracie for help. They need her to act the part of Quinn's fiancée. From New York to the shimmering islands of the Mediterranean, amid the search for the elusive thief, she and Quinn find themselves increasingly distracted by their growing feelings for each other.

My Review:
The Gem Thief is a romance with a mystery. Gracie is a jewelry designer who spots that one of her unique designs has been forged and the original piece stolen. The owner of the missing jewelry asked her nephew (Quinn) and his FBI agent friend to discreetly discover who did this. They asked Gracie to check the woman's other jewelry, only to discover that the last three pieces that were bought in Venice have been forged and stolen. They asked Gracie to pose as Quinn's fiancée and accompany them to the yearly jewelry show where those pieces were bought. She regularly checked the newly bought pieces to identify when they were switched out.

Quinn and Gracie spent a lot of time together and started to fall in love while at the jewelry show and on the Mediterranean cruise afterward. They encouraged and supported each other, but Gracie's convinced that Quinn has only fallen in love with her due to the ambience and their acting engaged. Gracie, Quinn, and his FBI friend work together to spot potential bad guys and uncover just how the jewelry is being forged and switched out. It was an interesting mystery and an enjoyable romance. The main characters were all very kind and likable people. Gracie and Quinn are well suited to each other and built each other up. Overall, I'd recommend this enjoyable mix of romance and mystery.

If you've read this book, what do you think about it? I'd be honored if you wrote your own opinion of the book in the comments.