Sunday, October 25, 2020

Nothing Short of Wondrous by Regina Scott

book cover
Nothing Short of Wondrous
by Regina Scott

ISBN-13: 9780800736408
Paperback: 336 pages
Publisher: Revell
Released: Oct. 20, 2020

Source: ebook review copy from the publisher through NetGalley.

Book Description, Modified from Goodreads:
It is 1886, and the government has given the US Cavalry control of Yellowstone. For widowed hotelier Kate Tremaine, the change is a welcome one. She knows every inch of her wilderness home like the back of her hand and wants to see it protected from poachers and vandals.

Refused a guide by Congress, Lieutenant William Prescott must enlist Kate's aid to help him navigate the sprawling park and track down the troublemakers. But a secret from his past makes him wary of the tender feelings the capable and comely widow raises in him. As they work together to protect the park and stand firm through injustice and tragedy, they may just find that two wounded hearts can share one powerful love when God is in control.

My Review:
Nothing Short of Wondrous is a Christian romance set in 1886 in Yellowstone. Though it is the second in a series, it's a stand-alone novel. Historical details about what the park was like at that time were woven into the story and brought the story to life. The main characters were interesting, complex, and reacted realistically to events. Kate and William built each other up and helped each other heal from the past.

Kate felt guilty about not doing more to save her husband from the grizzly bear that killed him, and she struggled to keep her inn in good repair. A company offered to buy the place from her, and they're willing to spread rumors and worse in order to get their hands on her inn. She acted as the guide for a detachment of US Calvary in return for their help in repairing the inn. She got to know Lieut. William and admired his dedication, hard work, and kindness. He admired her in return, but he failed profoundly in the past as a military officer and felt unworthy of her love and like he must atone for his sins before God will accept him again.

There was no sex or bad language. Overall, I recommend this enjoyable historical romance.

If you've read this book, what do you think about it? I'd be honored if you wrote your own opinion of the book in the comments.

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