Friday, June 23, 2023

The Lady of Bolton Hill by Elizabeth Camden

Book cover
The Lady of Bolton Hill
by Elizabeth Camden

ISBN-13: 9780764208942
Paperback: 336 pages
Publisher: Bethany House
Released: April 23, 2011

Source: Borrowed using Kindle Unlimited.

Book Description, Modified from Goodreads:
When Clara Endicott and Daniel Tremain's worlds collide after twelve years apart, the spark that was once between them immediately reignites into a romance. But time has changed them both. Daniel is an industrial titan with powerful enemies. Clara is an idealistic journalist determined to defend underprivileged workers. Can they withstand the cost of their convictions while their hearts--and lives--hang in the balance?

My Review:
The Lady of Bolton Hill is a Christian romance set in 1879 in America. Historical details were woven into the story, providing a distinct sense of time and place. Clara and Daniel were close friends as children and shared a passion for classical music. After years apart, they still had an easy friendship but Daniel's determined to crush the business owner whom he blamed for his father's death on the job and his mother's suicide. He also rejected God, who wasn't enough to sustain his devout mother through her grief. He intended to seduce Clara into abandoning her concerns about him and into marrying him.

Clara's a courageous journalist who's determined to expose abuses of the working class, partly because of her friendship with working-class Daniel. Ironically, he's now a robber-baron who's letting his quest for revenge prevent his companies from paying better wages.

The main characters were complex, well-developed, and acted realistically. They didn't always make the best decisions, but their reasoning made sense. Clara and Daniel grew as people throughout the story and became well-suited by the end. Daniel finally realized how his unforgiveness was causing other people (than just his target) to suffer and wrestled with making needed changes.

Clara cared about others due to her Christian faith. Daniel struggled with forgiveness. There was no sex or bad language. Overall, I'd recommend this enjoyable story.

If you've read this book, what do you think about it? I'd be honored if you wrote your own opinion of the book in the comments.

Excerpt: Read an excerpt using Google Preview.

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