Friday, May 17, 2024

Bassington by Jenny Hambly

Book cover
by Jenny Hambly

ISBN-13: 9780593197882
ebook: 308 pages
Released: May 6, 2021

Source: Free book.

Book Description from Goodreads:
Captain Charles Bassington of the 13th Light Dragoons is famed for his good luck, high spirits, and devil-may-care attitude. He escapes serious injury at Waterloo only to succumb to an inflammation of the lungs. When he returns home to recuperate, cracks begin to appear in his cheery facade.

Lady Selena has adored Charles all her life, but when she receives a letter from him suggesting his friend Lord Carteret would make a good husband, she is forced to put aside childish dreams that he might one day love her.

As Charles determines to forge a new career close to his family and friends, Selena opens her mind to the prospect of marrying another. It is only when two eminently eligible bachelors appear to be vying for her hand that Charles realises his own heart’s desire. But how can the younger son of a baron ever hope to be worthy of the wealthy daughter of an earl?

My Review:
Bassington is a romance set in 1815 in England. Charles and Selena were long-time childhood friends, so they shared interests and knew each other well. Charles simply needed to see her as a woman and overcome his hurt pride that he didn't have as much rank or money as she did. Historical details were woven into the story, and the author knew a lot about the period without stuffing it all into the story. The main characters were engaging and acted realistically. There was no sex. There were only a few uses bad language. Overall, I'd recommend this enjoyable romance.

If you've read this book, what do you think about it? I'd be honored if you wrote your own opinion of the book in the comments.

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