Friday, May 3, 2024

Mac by Sharon Srock

Book cover
by Sharon Srock

ISBN-13: 978-1539737407
Kindle: 182 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing
Released: May 1, 2023

Source: Free ebook.

Book Description from Goodreads:
After separating herself from the oppressive cult where she was raised, Mackenzie Soeurs has two dreams: to give her son Riley a better life than she had, and to live in peace, as far from the harsh God of her past as she can get. At least that was the plan until her son got hauled to jail for theft and she lost the mother she never truly understood. In the darkest moments of her life, Mac finds herself surrounded by a group of Christian women she can’t understand and a handsome man willing to take her son under his wing.

Dane Cooper, Garfield’s former bad boy and groom left at the altar, can’t deny his initial attraction to Mackenzie. Neither can he resist the urge from God to mentor her delinquent son. How can he guard his battered heart and still give Riley the same second chance he was given?

When Jesse, Charley, Randy, and Alex signed up for Mac’s first fitness class, they were looking for someone to whip them into physical shape. What they found was a woman bound by a cruel history, suffering through a tragic present, and in desperate need of a friend…or four.

My Review:
Mac is a Christian romance. After Mac's much-older husband dies, she takes her teenage son and mother away from the cult she grew up in. She's set up a successful spa, but her son Riley keeps getting into trouble. When he tries to steal tools from handyman Dane, former bad boy Dane feels that God has told him to take Riley under his care to teach him how to adjust to his new life. Dane's sister and her friends befriend Mac.

The main characters were engaging and reacted realistically to events. Mac had to overcome her desire to remain outside a man's control and to also see how her understanding of God was warped by the cult. She fell in love with Dane as they spent time together and she could see he was a caring, trustworthy man. She fell in love with God as she read the Bible for herself. There was no sex or bad language. Overall, I'd recommend this sweet romance.

If you've read this book, what do you think about it? I'd be honored if you wrote your own opinion of the book in the comments.

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