Sunday, May 26, 2024

Unforgiven by Shelley Shepard Gray

Book cover
by Shelley Shepard Gray

ISBN-13: 9780800745790
Paperback: 304 pages
Publisher: Revell
Released: May 21, 2024

Source: ebook review copy from the publisher through NetGalley.

Book Description, Modified from Goodreads:
Ex-con Seth Zimmerman has spent the last three years making amends by helping the vulnerable in his former Amish community, including Tabitha Yoder. Her divorce from her abusive husband has isolated her from the community. Even though she never comes out of her house to talk to him, Seth knows she watches him from the window while he chops wood, clears her driveway, and drops off food. An uneasy friendship is just starting to take hold between them when small 'gifts' begin to appear at Tabitha's home--gifts that can only be from her ex-husband. Seth might be Tabitha's only hope at maintaining her hard-won freedom from the man whose violent outbursts had almost cost her life. But coming to her rescue might mean he ends up behind bars once again.

My Review:
Unforgiven is a Christian romance. Seth and Tabitha grew up Amish but left. They're not shunned, but their Amish community doesn't quite know how to react to them. Tabitha divorced her violent, abusive husband. Many felt she should have just separated from him or maybe could have eventually reconciled, so she doesn't feel safe or accepted and hides in her house. Her ex-husband swore he'd come back and beat her to death someday. Seth accidently killed a man who was attempting to rape a girl, but even he wonders if he could have handled the situation differently. Both feel unforgiven.

Seth has long had a crush on Tabitha, so he carefully helped her with things like chopping wood or clearing her driveway of snow. She comes to trust him. They and their families worked through what happened to break their relationships so they could move forward with healing.

The main characters were engaging and came across as real, complex people. There was some suspense as Tabitha's husband was released from prison and causing trouble again. Seth and Tabitha helped each other to heal from the past, find forgiveness, and rebuild relationships. There was no sex or bad language. Overall, I'd recommend this enjoyable romance.

If you've read this book, what do you think about it? I'd be honored if you wrote your own opinion of the book in the comments.

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